Precision Pair Play

two people playing soccer in a field

Warm-Up (5 minutes)

  1. Dynamic Stretching: Start with some dynamic stretches like leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists to get the body warmed up.
  2. Jogging with Ball: Light jog around the field while dribbling the ball. Focus on keeping the ball close and under control.

Main Session (12 minutes)

  1. Passing and Receiving (4 minutes)

    • Activity: Stand 10-15 meters apart and pass the ball back and forth.
    • Focus: Use both feet, concentrate on accurate passes, and practice receiving the ball with a good first touch.
  2. Dribbling Drills (4 minutes)

    • Activity: Set up a zig-zag course with cones (or any markers) 5 meters apart. Each player dribbles through the course and back.
    • Focus: Keep the ball close, use both feet, and change directions quickly.
  3. 1v1 Ball Control Challenge (4 minutes)

    • Activity: One player acts as the attacker and the other as the defender. The attacker tries to maintain control of the ball while the defender applies pressure without tackling.
    • Focus: Shielding the ball, quick footwork, and maintaining control under pressure.

Cool Down (3 minutes)

  1. Ball Juggling

    • Activity: Spend a few minutes juggling the ball between the two players.
    • Focus: Use all parts of the body (feet, thighs, head) to control the ball and improve touch.
  2. Static Stretching

    • End the session with some static stretches focusing on the legs, hips, and lower back to prevent injuries.

This session should help improve ball control while also being engaging and fun for both players.

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